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Welcome to the ALEDXA🇳🇬

Aledxa Panel

This is how Aledxa Panel works, we will create a site like aledxa for you. You will monetize the site by displaying ads on it or by any other means, we Will guide you if you want. Once the site has been setup for you, & you've been Approved for monetization, you will pay us per month for maintenance, domain, & Keeping the domain active🔥.

What Happens If I don't pay?

We will close the site till you pay up because your site can't be Maintained without your monthly payment, it costs 3,000NGN per month Equivalent to 6$ per month.

How can I do this?


Some monetization partners take publisher's seriously, you might have to reach 3 months before you can Monetize, others don't really need that, we will guide you. If at all you can't monetize the site we created for you, We will insert our own ad code into yours & you'll be able to monetize it, & funds will show in the dashboard we create For you.